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A Letter to Jonathan - from the Lost Blog

Dear sweet Jon, my curlyboi. They say that when you meet the love of your life, you’ll look at them and you’ll just know. That it hits you like lightening and you feel butterflies in your tummy, that you’ll fall head over heels hopelessly in love and you’ll be filled to the brim with passion and romance and the sort of giddiness that comes with finding ‘The One.’ The French call it ‘Le Coup de Foudre’ and I’ve felt that feeling precisely once – things didn’t work out and I’m so happy that they didn’t. When I met you for the first time, it was around 9 years ago and you were somebody else’s boyfriend. You had a long ponytail, a pirate look about you and a cigarette in hand. We may have exchanged about four words maximum and then we quickly forgot about each other and went about our idle, teenage lives. Fast forward seven years. I had just gotten out of a rather painful breakup, I was feeling optimistic about the way ahead but I was also feeling a little melancholy for the loss of people

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Once upon a time in France - from the Lost Blog